What VA benefits do family members get?

Family members of veterans may be eligible for various benefits and services provided by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). These benefits are designed to support the family’s health, education, and overall well-being. Here’s an overview:

Health Care

  • CHAMPVA (Civilian Health and Medical Program of the VA): Provides coverage for eligible spouses, dependents, or survivors of veterans who have a permanent and total service-connected disability or who died due to a service-connected condition. Read more.
  • Caregiver Support Program: Offers resources, training, and financial stipends for caregivers of veterans enrolled in VA health care. Read more.

Education and Training

  • Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance (DEA) Program: Provides education and training benefits for dependents of veterans who are permanently and totally disabled due to a service-connected condition or who died while on active duty or as a result of a service-connected condition. Read more. 
  • Post-9/11 GI Bill Transfer of Benefits: Eligible veterans can transfer unused education benefits to their spouse or children. Read more.

Burial and Memorial Benefits

  • Burial in a VA National Cemetery: Eligible spouses and dependents may be buried in a VA National Cemetery with the veteran. Read more.
  • Grave Marker or Headstone: Provided for the unmarked graves of eligible dependents.
  • Survivors Pension: Financial support for low-income, unmarried surviving spouses or dependent children of wartime veterans. Read more.

Housing Assistance

  • VA Home Loan Guaranty: Surviving spouses of veterans who died in service or due to a service-connected disability may be eligible for VA-backed home loans. Read more.
  • Specially Adapted Housing Grants: Assist family members who are caregivers to a veteran with severe service-connected disabilities in modifying their home. Read more.

Financial Support

  • Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC): A tax-free monetary benefit paid to eligible survivors of service members who died while on active duty, veterans whose death was due to a service-connected condition, or veterans who were totally disabled from service-connected conditions. Read more.

Life Insurance

  • Family Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (FSGLI): Coverage available for spouses and children of service members insured under the Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance program. Read more.
  • Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance Traumatic Injury Protection (TSGLI): Offers financial support to family members if a service member suffers severe injuries. Read more.

Eligibility and availability of these benefits can vary based on the veteran’s service history, disability status, and other factors. It’s advisable to contact the VA directly or visit their official website for personalized assistance and to determine exact eligibility requirements.