Among the many types of appeals available to Veterans, the Clinical Appeal can help you appeal a medical determination or decision your health care team has made regarding your treatment, such as medical procedures, prescriptions, eligibility for getting care outside of VA, etc. In an article posted to, VA explains that:
You can appeal a medical determination by filing a Clinical Appeal, which allows other medical professionals to review your medical needs and decide whether the determination was correct. To file a Clinical Appeal, contact the patient advocate at your VA medical facility and ask to initiate a Clinical Appeal.
Importantly, this not the same thing as appealing a decision made regarding the VA benefits or rating that VA has assigned to you, as there are other appeals procedures for those types of appeals, which will be covered in a later article. If you’d like to get started with filing a Clinical Appeal regarding the treatment you’re receiving from a VA medical center, you can look up and contact your local Patient Advocate here.