Disagree with a recent decision VA made about your claim? Have more information to share with VA to support your claim? VA recently shared that you can now file an appeal online if you disagree with a decision VA has made on your claim. To do so, VA explains how to appeal your VA claim in its post:
“The process is simple!
- Navigate your browser to https://www.va.gov/decision-reviews/board-appeal/.
- Select “Request a Board Appeal” to go to the VA.gov login screen. You must have a VA.gov account.
- The appeal tool will walk you through the process of filing an appeal correctly online.
- You can select which type of appeal you would like: Direct Review, Evidence Submission, or Hearing. You can also find more information about all these options and what to expect during your appeal on the Board’s homepage.“
VA also announced that if you’re invited to a hearing about your claim, it is offering to conduct those virtually, so you never have to leave your home, all you need is a computer or phone connected to WIFI.